Holiday Food Pack


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Each $5 provides the weekly food pack for a single child. Thank you for supporting these efforts.

SKU: CMHolidayPack Category:

Help Dayton Disneyana provide food items for the Holidays.

Kids perform better in school without the fatigue and distraction that hunger brings. Pirate Packs supplies over 300 kids with weekly food packs. Many times these kids prepare their own meals so the packs contain kid-friendly items such as

  • Chef-Boyardee Microwave Cups
  • Easy Mac & Cheese Microwave Cup
  • Vegetable Microwave Cup
  • Fruit Cup
  • Applesauce Cup
  • Pudding or Jello Cup
  • Individual Cereal Box or Cup
  • Breakfast Bars
  • Snack Crackers or Cookies, individually packaged
  • Peanut Butter